Story Line:
The film follows Xu Lai, a former artist whose dreams were dashed when the responsibilities of life set in. With his life now revolving around his wife Cai Bo who is obsessed with having …
Gang jiong (original title)
[FORMAT]:………………………….:[ Matroska
[GENRE]:………………………… .:[ Comedy
[FILE SIZE]:……………………….:[ 675MB
[NO OF CDs]:……………………….:[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:………………………:[ 1280×480
[LANGUAGE ]:……………………….:[ Chinese
[SUBTITLES]:……………………….:[ Muxed-English
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:………………….:[ 1h 53min
[iMDB RATING]:……………………..:[ 5.7/10
[GENRE]:………………………… .:[ Comedy
[FILE SIZE]:……………………….:[ 675MB
[NO OF CDs]:……………………….:[ 1
[RESOLUTION]:………………………:[ 1280×480
[LANGUAGE ]:……………………….:[ Chinese
[SUBTITLES]:……………………….:[ Muxed-English
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:………………….:[ 1h 53min
[iMDB RATING]:……………………..:[ 5.7/10